Leadership Lessons From The Great Books #19 - On The Road by Jack Kerouac w/Ryan Jerome Stout
On The Road by Jack Kerouac w/Ryan Jerome Stout
On The Road by Jack Kerouac w/Ryan Jerome Stout
- Welcome - 0:30
- The Literary Life of Jack Kerouac - 1:00
- Making Sense of Absurdity - 20:00
- Leaders, Eject Themselves From Other People's Perceptions - 24:30
- Kerouac As An Individual - 32:00
- Leaders Know Your 'Why' and Know Your People - 37:15
- Leaders Have the Guts to Take Risks - 58:00
- The Sermon on the Mount - 1:00:00
- Look for the Process Rather than the Answer - 1:20:00
- Kerouac's Burning Platform - 1:32:09
- Staying on the Path - 1:42:40
Pick up your copy of 12 Rules for Leaders: The Foundation of Intentional Leadership NOW on AMAZON!
Pick up your copy of 12 Rules for Leaders: The Foundation of Intentional Leadership NOW on AMAZON!
- Jack Kerouac on Firing Line with William F. Buckley - https://youtu.be/BYgv7ur8ipg
Connect with Ryan Jerome Stout and support all of his work at the links below
Connect with Ryan Jerome Stout and support all of his work at the links below
- The Ghost Who Sells Memories Blog: https://theghostwhosellsmemories.com/
- The Ghost Who Sells Memories Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/theghostwhosellsmemories
- The Ghost Who Sells Memories Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theghostwhosellsmemories
- The Ghost Who Sells Memories Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theghostwhosellsmemories/
- Jesan Sorrells Audio Experience Interview w/Ryan: https://share.transistor.fm/s/63665bb2
- The Devon Corbett Sigma Nu Charity Bowl: https://www.sigmanucharitybowl.com/
- The Devon Corbett Charity Bowl Blog: https://theghostwhosellsmemories.com/2022/04/17/a-worthy-cause-devon-corbett-sigma-nu-charity-bowl-2/
Check out HSCT Publishing at: https://www.hsctpublishing.com/.
Check out LeadingKeys at: https://www.leadingkeys.com/
Check out Leadership ToolBox at: https://leadershiptoolbox.us/
Contact HSCT for more information at 1-833-216-8296 to schedule a full DEMO of LeadingKeys with one of our team members.
Jesan Sorrells Presents - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/JesanSorrells/featured
Jesan Sorrells - IG - https://www.instagram.com/therealjesanmsorrells/
Jesan Sorrells - FB - https://www.facebook.com/JesanMSorrells/
Jesan Sorrells - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesansorrells
Jesan Sorrells - Twitter - https://www. twitter.com/jesanmsorrells
Jesan Sorrells - https://www.jesansorrells.com/
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Check out HSCT Publishing at: https://www.hsctpublishing.com/.
Check out LeadingKeys at: https://www.leadingkeys.com/
Check out Leadership ToolBox at: https://leadershiptoolbox.us/
Contact HSCT for more information at 1-833-216-8296 to schedule a full DEMO of LeadingKeys with one of our team members.
Jesan Sorrells Presents - YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/JesanSorrells/featured
Jesan Sorrells - IG - https://www.instagram.com/therealjesanmsorrells/
Jesan Sorrells - FB - https://www.facebook.com/JesanMSorrells/
Jesan Sorrells - LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jesansorrells
Jesan Sorrells - Twitter - https://www. twitter.com/jesanmsorrells
Jesan Sorrells - https://www.jesansorrells.com/
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