Leadership Lessons From The Great Books #64 - The U.S. Constitution, The King James Bible, and the Role of the Civil Magistrate w/Tom Libby

The U.S. Constitution, The King James Bible, and the Role of the Civil Magistrate w/Tom Libby
  • The Revolutionary Intersection: The U.S. Constitution, The King James Bible, and the Civil Magistrate
  • Jackson, Native Americans, and the U.S. Constitution: A History of Land Disputes and Assimilation
  • The Trail of Tears: A Turning Point in U.S. History Examined through the Lens of Leadership
  • The Evolving Equal Protection: From Slavery to Civil Rights and Beyond
  • The Power and Influence of the Civil Magistrate: Lessons from the U.S. Constitution and the King James Bible
  • The Role of Leadership in Shaping the Cultural Zeitgeist: A Discussion on the U.S. Constitution and the King James Bible
  • Leadership Lessons from History: The U.S. Constitution, Andrew Jackson, and the Civil Magistrate
  • Holding Leaders Accountable: Lessons from the U.S. Constitution, Native American Chiefs, and the Civil Magistrate
  • Navigating the Tension Between Reality and the Vision of the United States: A Leadership Perspective
  • Checks and Balances: Understanding the Limitations of Leadership in the U.S. Constitution and the King James Bible
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Creators and Guests

Jesan Sorrells
Jesan Sorrells
CEO of HSCT Publishing, home of Leadership ToolBox and LeadingKeys
Leadership Toolbox
Leadership Toolbox
The home of Leadership ToolBox, LeaderBuzz, and LeadingKeys. Leadership Lessons From The Great Books podcast link here: https://t.co/3VmtjgqTUz
Leadership Lessons From The Great Books #64 - The U.S. Constitution, The King James Bible, and the Role of the Civil Magistrate w/Tom Libby
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